Your search for 'Shaping the Future' yielded 1175 results:

Edinburgh Gets Three New Water Refill Points

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22 March 2023

Scottish Water has launched three new water refill points in Edinburgh ahead of the summer

Protect Property and Pipes During Cold Snap

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7 March 2023

Householders across Scotland are being urged to take action to ensure their property and water pipes are protected from very cold weather forecast in the next few days.

Scottish Water Top Up Tap at Heart of Helensburgh

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28 March 2023

We have officially launched our latest Top Up Tap so locals and visitors to Helensburgh can stay hydrated while enjoying spectacular views of the River Clyde.

May Day Date for Delayed Vital Flood Alleviation Works

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30 March 2023

Our delayed works on the A8 in Greenock as part of a £2.5million flood alleviation project have now been rescheduled.

North East solar projects shine a light on net zero commitment

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10 May 2023

Two solar energy schemes have been completed in the North East by Scottish Water.

Harnessing Hydropower at Hamilton Waste Water Treatment Works a First

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26 May 2023

The first of its kind in the UK, a pioneering project will see Scottish Water harness hydropower from waste water

Swimming should be prescribed to improve health says expert

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9 May 2023

Medical specialist tells MSPs about the multiple health benefits of swimming

Perth 'super sewer' upgrade gets under way

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16 May 2023

Scottish Water’s multi-million pound investment to upgrade the sewer network has started on site in Shore Road and Tay Street.

Oban Investment in Final Stages

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28 January 2022

Our £4.6 million investment to upgrade Oban’s water network is on track to be completed by the end of February

Local Heroes save whelk picker in Pennan

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24 January 2022

Two Scottish Water employees have proved themselves to be Local Heroes after raising the alarm for a whelk picker in danger of getting caught by the tide at Pennan.