Your search for 'Lead' yielded 246 results:

Chair of Scottish Apprenticeship Advisory Board Calls for System Change

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1 February 2023

Peter Farrer, Chief Operating Officer at Scottish Water, talks about the need for a shift towards a skills system which is collaborative, ambitious and responsive.

Scottish Water Launches Biggest Ever Apprenticeships Drive

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28 February 2023

Scottish Water is starting a major recruitment campaign to hire 60 apprentices across the country

First Phase of Multi-Million Pounds Water Investment

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22 February 2023

We are set to begin the first phase of a £26million project to improve the water supply to tens of thousands of customers in the south-east of Glasgow.

North East solar projects shine a light on net zero commitment

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10 May 2023

Two solar energy schemes have been completed in the North East by Scottish Water.

Harnessing Hydropower at Hamilton Waste Water Treatment Works a First

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26 May 2023

The first of its kind in the UK, a pioneering project will see Scottish Water harness hydropower from waste water

Swimming should be prescribed to improve health says expert

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9 May 2023

Medical specialist tells MSPs about the multiple health benefits of swimming

New Scottish Water Chief Executive takes up role

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1 June 2023

The new Chief Executive of Scotland’s public water and waste water organisation has stepped into the role

Extreme Weather Led to ‘Extraordinary’ Period for Scottish Water, New Report Reveals

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20 January 2022

Extreme weather conditions led to one of the “most challenging and extraordinary periods” for Scotland’s water and wastewater provider.

Strathaven’s Kenny celebrates retirement after four decades at Scottish Water

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13 January 2022

Senior project manager and Strathaven local, Kenny Naylor, is celebrating his retirement from Scottish Water after 40 years

Six City Top Up Taps for Glasgow

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3 April 2022

Scotland’s biggest city now has its own network of iconic Top up Taps to keep people hydrated while they are on the go and help protect the planet