Your search for 'Shaping the Future' yielded 1179 results:

The Pupils Setting Sail to Attend Swimming Lessons

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28 December 2022

Committed youngsters from a remote Orkney island have been praised for their passion and enthusiasm for swimming - despite requiring a ferry and two buses simply to get to lessons. 

West Lothian Leisure Recognised at National Awards

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3 October 2022

A LEISURE Trust’s efforts to increase the number of children learning to swim in West Lothian and commitment to delivering a quality learn to swim environment has been celebrated at a national award ceremony, attended by some of Scotland’s all-time swimming greats. 

Olympic Hero Duncan Encourages Scots to Dive in

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1 September 2021

Olympic hero Duncan Scott is inspiring the biggest drive ever to encourage Scots of all ages and abilities to learn to swim. 

Teachers needed to create 'generation swim'

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9 January 2024

The team behind the Learn to Swim National Framework has launched the recruitment campaign across Scotland

Swim Teachers Praised for Unwavering Efforts

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19 January 2023

Teachers playing a vital role to create Scotland's "Generation Swim" are being celebrated across the country as part of a national recruitment drive.


National Swim Programme Unites Providers at Annual Conference

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23 November 2022

The summit is uniting 29 out of the 37 local authorities, leisure trusts and aquatic providers delivering the Learn to Swim framework

Going With the Flow - Major Milestone for Multi-Million-Pound Project

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19 June 2024

A key milestone has been reached in Scottish Water’s multi-million-pound project to upgrade an important rising sewer main serving customers in Renfrew and Glasgow

Olympic-Sized Water Milestone in East Ayrshire

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13 June 2024

A £6.5million Scottish Water project to improve the quality and resilience of supply for thousands of customers has been completed.

Scottish Water is Leading Carbon Reduction in Construction

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17 June 2024

We're a proud member of Construct Zero's Five Client Carbon Commitments launched by the Construction Leadership Council

Scottish Borders Clear Water Tank Investment

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13 June 2024

Scottish Water's £30million investment in the water network is a significant development for the communities of Galashiels, Selkirk, and the surrounding areas.