Your search for 'Shaping the Future' yielded 1178 results:

Winchburgh Waste Water Treatment Works

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Scottish Water is building a new,  state-of-the-art Waste Water Treatment Works in Winchburgh. Work started in 2021 and will be complete by Winter 2023

Robroyston Water Main Upgrade

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We are working to support sustainable economic growth to meet the demand of new housing development in Robroyston in Glasgow.

Robroyston Road

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We are updating an inlet bypass on the local water supply network

Monument Drive to Saughs Avenue

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We are installing a new upgraded water main along the grass verge on the B765 towards Saughs Avenue

Portree Sewer Work

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Scottish Water will be carrying out essential maintenance work to the sewer in Dunvegan Road, Portree

Clarkston Sewer Repair

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We are carrying out repairs to a section of sewer in the Clarkston area of Glasgow

Water Pipe Upgrades at Madderty and St David's, Perth

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 Upgrading the water network in and around the Madderty & St David’s area of Perth

Cardross CSO and Sewer Upgrade

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We are constructing a new Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) and upgrading the local sewer network to alleviate internal sewer flooding in Cardross

Riverside Road Sewer Project, Thurso

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We are investing in Thurso's sewer network to repair a pipe running beneath the pier on Riverside Road

Waterloo Place, Edinburgh

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From Monday 17th June, we will be carrying out essential investigation work on the sewer network in the Waterloo Place area, also impacting Leith Street and Calton Road