Your search for 'Water Quality' yielded 1169 results:

Portree Pupils Launch Skye's new Top up Tap with Sustainability Message

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13 June 2022

Local school children and community representatives came together to celebrate Portree's new Top up Tap – aimed at helping residents and visitors in the Skye Capital to stay hydrated while helping the environment

Road Traffic Management Date Change to Enable Major Giffnock Investment

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23 June 2022

We're advising road users of a change of date for a proposed road closure ahead of work to tackle sewer flooding in Giffnock, East Renfrewshire


Major Works to Tackle Sewer Flooding in Giffnock

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13 June 2022

We will begin a long-awaited project to help tackle sewer flooding in Giffnock, East Renfrewshire as schools close for summer

Passengers Encouraged to Top Up from The Station Tap on World Refill Day

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16 June 2022

Passengers travelling through two of Scotland’s busiest railway stations are being encouraged to top up with Scottish tap water as part of a global campaign to prevent plastic pollution.

Nature-based solution proposed to tackle flooding in Downfield

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17 June 2022

Plans to reduce flooding in the Downfield area of Dundee using nature-based solutions have taken a firm step forward.

Super Solar Scheme Underway in East Dunbartonshire

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30 September 2022

Our most ambitious solar energy scheme to date is now under construction at our most energy intensive asset

Olympic Gold Medallist Duncan Scott Marks Learn to Swim Success in Orkney

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6 September 2022

Young swimmers in Orkney welcome six-time Olympic medallist and Commonwealth champion Duncan Scott as he 'dives in' to their swimming lessons

Supporting National Inclusion Week with Recite Me

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26 September 2022

This week marks National Inclusion Week, an important date in all our calendars where we raise awareness and open up the conversation about inclusion to ensure accessibility for all.

Net Zero Routemap Update Published

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26 September 2022

Half of emissions associated with the delivery of Scotland’s water and waste water services have been cut.

Craigleith Road Sewer Flooding Project Complete

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24 October 2022

A major sewer upgrade investment to help protect homes in Craigleith from sewer flooding is complete