Gladhouse Wildfire Warning
02 August 2022
Trees were vandalised and fires lit

Fire damaged tree
Following on from recent wildfires across the UK, visitors to Gladhouse Reservoir in Midlothian are being reminded of the risks of lighting fires.
Photos of vandalised, fire damaged trees and multiple fire pits have been shared by local residents over recent weeks along with reports of discarded used toilet paper and a lot of litter.
As visitors to the reservoir make use of the continued warm weather, there is a risk that unsafe fires can turn into wildfires.
Scottish Water is highlighting the work it is doing with Scottish Fire & Rescue Service and Police Scotland to raise awareness of the risks of wildfires which can have a devesting effect to the natural environment, ecology and wildlife.
A spokesperson from SFRS Community Action Team said: "We understand that during warmer weather people will want to take to the outdoors, but we appeal to members of the public to please be careful.
"Responsible behaviour can drive down the risk of fire significantly. During this period of prolonged dry weather this is particularly important due to the impact of fire spread on the environment, wildlife and emergency services.
"If using disposable barbecues make sure they are never left unattended and ensure that it is properly extinguished and taken away. Carelessness can result in injury or fire spread which can damage property and the surrounding environment.
"Gladhouse Reservoir is a remote site with limited amenities, no toilet facilities and no one on site to monitor the safety of visitors. Visitors should plan ahead before coming to the site, and leave no trace of their visit once they leave."
Scottish Water are supporting Visits Scotland’s Keep Scotland Unspoiled campaign and is asking visitors to familiarise themselves with the Scottish Outdoor Access Code.
If you are visiting a beauty spot this summer remember to:
- Take your litter home
- Don’t cut down or damage trees
- Use a stove rather than lighting a fire
- Remove all traces of your visit before you leave
- If you need to go to the toilet, do so away from water source