Forfar Loch Country Park - Sewer Upgrades

21 October 2022
Image of loch at Forfar Loch Country Park

Forfar Loch Country Park

We are carrying out essential improvement works to the sewer network in Forfar

“We are grateful for
people’s understanding while we deliver this investment, which will significantly reduce the risk of future unplanned repairs being needed, as well as protecting
the environment for many years to come.”

John Townshend
Project Manager for Caldonia Water Alliance

We are carrying out essential work to renew a key section of sewer at Forfar Loch Country Park, with the project expected to be completed by the start of 2023.

The renewal of the rising main sewer which passes through the well-used amenity area will resolve the cause of bursts which Scottish Water teams have responded to in recent years, preventing further impacts on the local community and environment.

By carrying out the work now, it ensures disruption is avoided during peak season, allowing the park to return to normal in time for summer 2023.

During the work there will be construction activities and vehicle movements within the park, with working areas being securely fenced off.

Pedestrian walkways will be maintained and alternative routes signposted where restrictions are required in the interests of safety.

Caledonia Water Alliance (CWA) will carry out the work on behalf of Scottish Water. 
John Townshend, CWA Project Manager said: 
“We understand this is a well-used amenity area in the town. Our team will be focused on keeping everyone safe and keeping disruption to a minimum, while getting this essential work completed.

We are grateful for people’s understanding while we deliver this investment, which will significantly reduce the risk of future unplanned repairs being needed, as well as protecting the environment for many years to come.”