Stepping up efforts to safeguard services from Storm Babet
19 October 2023SCOTTISH WATER is stepping up its efforts to protect water and waste water services for customers as severe weather sweeps across the country.
Storm Babet brings severe Red and Amber warnings, predominantly across the North and East of the country.
A dedicated team is monitoring and coordinating operational response to the predicted weather impacts over the coming days, including an expected rise in reports of customers experiencing sewer flooding as drainage systems become overwhelmed by the extreme rainfall. Staff will be working to safeguard assets providing essential water and wastewater treatment, as well as monitoring reservoirs and responding to increased customer enquiries.

Scottish Water prepares for Storm Babet
Staff will be working hard to safeguard our assets, while also dealing with a higher volume of customer contacts during this storm period.
“Plans are in place for known sewer flooding hotspots with tankers on-site, and we encourage any customer experiencing sewer flooding to report it as soon as possible via our customer engagement centre, open 24/7, on 0800 0778 778. We will attend and will prioritise those experiencing internal sewer flooding.”
John Griffen
Water Operations General Manager
John Griffen, Water Operations General Manager for Scottish Water said:
“We have activated contingency plans including increasing the numbers of staff and contractors on standby to support customers experiencing sewer flooding, and protect our critical infrastructure across water and waste water services.
“Plans are in place for known sewer flooding hotspots with tankers on-site, and we encourage any customer experiencing sewer flooding to report it as soon as possible via our customer engagement centre, open 24/7, on 0800 0778 778. We will attend and will prioritise those experiencing internal sewer flooding.
“We will continue to closely monitor the forecast and deploy resources where it is most needed. The safety of our teams is the highest priority and we ask for customers’ understanding if there are delays in responding to their concerns as travel, particularly in the Red Warning area, may be impacted by advice issued by Police Scotland and transport agencies.”
Stay up to date on weather warnings at the Met Office: UK weather warnings - Met Office
While you can visit our youtube channel to find out: How to Prepare for a Flood - YouTube
We also have further information below on how to report sewer flooding and Scottish Water's responsibilities during times of flooding.