Water On Tap In Eyemouth

16 July 2024
On Friday, 12 July, Scottish Water took to the Borders town of Eyemouth to officially launch their latest Top Up Tap – installation number 124 across the country. 

Hundreds of locals and visitors from across the small town stopped by to show their support, and a staggering 250 reusable water bottles were given out in an effort to promote the introduction of the newest Top Up Tap and encourage further plastic reduction. 

Locals and visitors enjoying Eyemouth’s beautiful beachfront will now be able to ensure they stay hydrated while out and about thanks to the new water refill station situated on the High Street.
Three Scottish Water employees happy beside Top Up Tap

Scottish Water employees proudly launched Top Up Tap number 124

Set up of Top Up Tap launch including small gazebo, table offering reusable water bottles, and Scottish Water branded vehicle

Eyemouth beachfront Top Up Tap makes it just in time for summer

“The water in our taps is like God's Champagne, it really is first class.”

Michael Howes-Quintero
Owner of Rialto, Eyemouth Cafe
As part of their wider ‘Your Water, Your Life' campaign, the publicly-owned utility has committed to installing water refill stations to encourage and promote the use of refillable bottles, which customers can fill up with one of the country's best-loved products – our nation's tap water!

With 76 percent of Scots carrying a refillable water bottle while they’re out and about, the taps are in demand and help people reduce their use of single-use plastic bottles. So far, Scottish Water’s Top Up Taps have dispensed the volume of more than 10 million bottles of tap water.

Michael Howes-Quintero who owns a cafe, Rialto, welcomed the new tap saying he thought it would be popular with locals and tourists.

For more information, or to find your nearest Top Up Tap, visit Find My Nearest Tap - Scottish Water (yourwateryourlife.co.uk).