Education Hubs 

Watch our introductory video to our Primary Education Hub

Scottish Water has launched two new digital learning hubs aimed at both Primary and Secondary school pupils. 

The hubs are an accessible and informative learning resource for our young people, inspiring the next generation. 

The online learning modules have been designed for pupils to learn in a fun way about the Water Cycle, how it is affected by climate change and how Scottish Water works with nature’s cycle.

Primary School Education Hub

Click here to access our Primary School hub

Click here
The Primary School education hub is aimed towards adults who can register and share content with classes or children.

The Secondary School education hub is aimed towards adults or any users over the age of 13.

As they are entirely digital, we hope you find the resources interesting and helpful, particularly during periods of school closures where home schooling is required.

Secondary School Education Hub

Click here to access our Secondary School hub

Click here

Give us your feedback

We’d love to hear what you and the young ones think of the content. What do you like? What else would you like to see? 


You can contact the team at