Single House Connections

Information on our Single House Connections process

Connecting a Single Property to the Public Network

If you need help and guidance throughout the process, we are here to assist. 

We recommend you access our booklet: Single House New Connections which can be found in our Document Hub

This comprehensive guide provides a clear outline of the high level process from planning through to connection. It ensures you are aware of all parts of the process to plan ahead, and supply us with important information to progress your applications through our business team for both water and waste water connections. This guide also clearly outlines the process to convert from a private to public water supply.

To start the application process  you should complete our Pre Development Enquiry (PDE) via our portal.  This should include as much information as possible to allow us to understand your plans, and to support a detailed response from us.

Should you require any further support prior to submitting an application you can contact Development Operations on Freephone 0800 389 0379.  Alternatively email . We will be happy to help direct you to the correct process to support these requests.