Data Privacy FAQs

Yes, our Corporate Privacy Notice is a detailed document which should prove very helpful if you have questions about how we process data at a corporate level. It can be viewed on our data privacy pages.
We use cookies to help us improve our website and provide a better user experience. They may relate to your location and usage of the website. Our Cookie Policy explains how they work and how we use them.
Yes.  The GDPR/DPA applies to the processing of personal data. Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. Our Data Privacy policies go into some detail about how we fulfil our obligations relating to GDPR/DPA - view them here. To read more about GDPR/DPA and how it affects everyone, these pages on the UK government website offer a good guide.

Individuals to whom Personal Data relates are called “data subjects” and have rights which include:

• To request from us a copy of any Personal Data we hold about you
• To fix Personal Data that is not accurate
• To remove Personal Data in certain circumstances, where this this does not breach any legal, regulatory, safety, security or core operational requirement

Any request to view this data is known as a "data subject access request". We aim to meet all data subject access requests within a 30 day period and we will not charge you for this.

To initiate a request, email us at or write to: Head of Corporate Data & Compliance, Scottish Water, The Bridge, 6 Buchanan Gate, Stepps, GLASGOW, G33 6FB.

To escalate the complaint with Scottish Water, email You can also write to us. Address any correspondence to Head of Corporate Data & Compliance, Scottish Water, The Bridge, 6 Buchanan Gate, Stepps, GLASGOW, G33 6FB.

You have the right to make a formal complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). You can view their website here.