Houses are on the left and a green field is on the right with a footpath in the middle.

Conon Avenue, Bearsden

We are upgrading the sewer network in Bearsden.

We are delivering a project to upgrade the sewer network in Bearsden.


A section of sewer running beneath woodland at Conon Avenue will be replaced using two deep access chambers, followed by the deployment of specialist machinery that allows new pipes to be installed without excavating the ground between the two chambers. 


The work is due to begin in August 2024 before completing around spring 2025. Other minor sewer rehabilitation works are also planned at the verge off Conon Avenue as part of this project. 


The project has been designed specifically to minimise the impact on the community and the environment. 


A public drop-in event has been organised for customers to meet the project team and ask any questions they may have. 


All are welcome to attend Bearsden Bowling Club, 38 Station Road, Bearsden, G61 4Al on Tuesday 30 July 2024 between 4.30pm and 7pm.