Project Overview

Scottish Water is carrying out maintenance work to Tarbert's waste water infrastructure in 2024.

We’ve identified that repair work is required at a manhole on Pier Road which is allowing seawater to get into the village’s sewer network during high tides. We are also carrying out further inspections and maintenance on the rising main sewer which takes flows to the local Waste Water Treatment Works, north of the village.
Roadworks Generic

Maintenance for Tarbert's Waste Water Network

Work is taking place late in July to repair a manhole at Pier Road, while further work is then taking place later in the year to the rising main sewer, north of the village

What happens next?

At the end of July, work will begin for 2 weeks to seal the manhole situated on the foreshore below the single-track section of Pier Road. This work will involve a machine working on the shore; and use of a nearby layby to store materials.  A tanker will be used when required to maintain service for the relatively small number of customers who are connected to the sewer network upstream of the manhole where our contractor will be working.

We are also planning some further inspection and maintenance work on the rising main sewer which takes flows to the local Waste Water Treatment Works, north of the village. As some traffic management measures will be needed to allow this work to take place safely, our aim is to schedule the activity after the busiest period for tourism.

This work is expected to take place later in 2024 and we will update this web page with further details nearer the time.